Diya Mental Health Support Network
Dr Roshelle Ramkisson and Dr Sridevi Sira Mahalingappa – “Sharing light in darkness with mental health bereavement support in India during the COVID-19 Pandemic”
Diya Mental Health Covid-19 Support Network is a platform created as philanthropic effort to enable the collaboration and network of individuals to offer time and expertise during the second wave of COVID-19 outbreak in India. A humanitarian crisis in India unfolded in April 2021 with the surge of COVID-19 infections amidst the lack of available resources and infrastructure to address the population health demands with resultant impact on death rates. With a growing number of tragic stories, many felt helpless about how to support and approach the individuals directly affected. One school head teacher in Delhi shared with us that in one school alone, there were 58 families where students had lost one or both parents. Sadly, this is one of the many reports. Diya Mental Health initiative aimed to offer support to children and their families affected by loss, grief and emotional distress following bereavement related to COVID-19.
Mental health professionals across the UK delivered virtual live half day workshops to small groups using Winston’s wish bereavement toolkit. Winston’s wish is a UK based charity that provides support for children following bereavement of a loved one. Winston’s wish developed bespoke materials and resources to support grief and loss related to COVID-19. The charity offered an initial pro-bono train the trainer workshop to 25 UK psychiatrists and psychologists to utilise the Covid-19 bereavement toolkit with socio-cultural adaptations. Over 10 weeks from the 16th of May to the 11th of July 2021, over 400 participants including psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors, NGO volunteers and teachers across India were trained. The feedback following the workshops is striking noting the value provided with a remarkable shift in confidence to counsel families following a significant life event of the death of a loved one.
“It is very important that we know how to respond and console the bereaved children and their families. The suddenness and the immenseness of the tragedies unfolding around us has been overwhelming. This training makes me a little better prepared to reach out to the families who have suffered such a huge loss. It has also helped me to understand the various human emotions in a more comprehensive manner.” –