Dr Rakhshi Memon

Dr Rakhshi Memon

Chief Executive Officer

Rakhshi Memon has a Masters in Health Services Management. She is currently studying for her PHD at University College London (UCL) and has successfully completed the Interdisciplinary Bioethics Program at Yale, University, USA. Rakhshi has formally worked at CEO level in the NHS. Her Phd is funded by Pakistan Institute of Living and Learning (PILL), a Pakistan based NGO with a focus on Mental Health research in low and middle income countries. She is actively involved in Capacity and Capability programs for PILL. She is also trustee of a UK based, UK registered charity, UK Medical Aid to Pakistan (UKMAP) and a volunteer with ‘Save the Children’.

With over 30 years of experience in the NHS, Rakhshi has a rich mix of experience and expertise working at the grass roots to strategic level. She has deep insight of the whole health and social care system through setting up and developing new NHS organisations as part of the system reform. She has extensive experience in commissioning, contracting, assessment, diagnostics, governance, project management and service development in the NHS.

As an entrepreneur, Rakhshi set up successful retail business ventures and sold them as going concerns. She has extensive networks in the community and at policy level. She is a member of Women’s Interfaith Network, Women in Public Policy, former Governor of the Furness College of Further Education and founded the Doctors’ Wives Association in 1983 successfully campaigned to achieve parity on related ancillary staff with unrelated ancillary staff in General Medical Practice. She has published several times on various clinical pathway topics and also on health for workers in the NHS. She has been a regular speaker at national and international conferences on commissioning clinical pathway redesign and health innovation.

Rakhshi brings excellent skills of good governance, influencing, policy and strategy development, project management and transformation change. She is passionate about equality and fairness.


Favourite  quotes:

 With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts – Eleanor Roosevelt

No man is an island, entire of itself. Everyman is a piece of the continent, a part of the main – John Donne

Be kind whenever possible – it is always possible – Dalai Lama

To go faster – go alone, to go far – go together   An African Proverb